Eğitim İçeriği: I.Kur: 1 IPv4/IPv6 Addressing and Routing Review 2 EIGRP 3 Advanced EIGRP 4 Troubleshooting EIGRP for IPv4 5 EIGRPv6 6 OSPF 7 Advanced OSPF 8 Troubleshooting OSPFv2 9 OSPFv3 10 Troubleshooting OSPFv3 II.Kur: 11 BGP 12 Advanced BGP 13 BGP Path Selection 14 Troubleshooting BGP 15 Route Maps and Conditional Forwarding 16 Route Redistribution 17 Troubleshooting Redistribution 18 VRF, MPLS, and MPLS Layer 3 VPNs 19 DMVPN Tunnels 20 Securing DMVPN Tunnels 21 Troubleshooting ACLs and Prefix Lists 22 Infrastructure Security 23 Device Management and Management Tools Troubleshooting Eğitime kayıt olmak için Tıklayınız.